Have you chosen to believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him?

Would you like to have an intimate eternal relationship with the One who made you and loves you unconditionally? If so, tell Him in your own words, or use this sample prayer:

Dear God,
I know that Jesus is Your Son and that He died and was raised from the dead. Until now, I have been living life my own way, but I want to start living for You. I realize I have sinned before You, but I understand that Jesus fully paid my penalty by dying on the cross. I receive the sacrifice He made on my behalf and trust Him as my Savior. Thank You for forgiving me and making me Your child. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Check out this site...

Hello All...

Stumbled across a site today that I think is pretty cool. It is an online site that has videos posted with Rob Bell speaking on different issues that each of us face day in and day out. Here is an excerpt from the site:

We want spiritual direction, but it has to be real for us
and available when we need it. We want a new format for
getting Christian perspectives.

NOOMA is the new format.

It's short films with communicators that really speak to us.
Compact, portable, and concise. Each NOOMA touches on
issues that we care about, that we want to talk about,
and it comes in a way that fits our world.
It's a format that's there for us when we need it,
as we need it, how we need it.

I have only seen one of the videos, but I thought it was pretty good. I will be checking out more soon. Here is the site: www.nooma.com

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week #23 "Yes" and "No"


Not sure if anybody is visiting this page, but if you are, I think you will really enjoy the Bible study I posted on the Bible study page. It is about seduction, the things we say yes to and no to, and why God says yes and no to certain things. Check it out!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Unconditional Love of God

READ: Romans 5:6-8
New believers may find it difficult to accept the fact that God loves us just as we are. Much of the world operates by conditional love, which offers approval and acceptance on the basis of performance. So when we first come to Christ, there is often a natural tendency to assume we must strive to “deserve” our blessings, such as monetary wealth, loving families, and solid careers.
Divine love, however, can never be earned by human effort. There is absolutely nothing we can do to make God love us more or to influence Him to stop loving us. (Romans 5:8;1 John 4:8) Many believers understand this intellectually but have trouble believing it deep down in their heart.

No matter what has occurred in your past or what you feel right now, the Father’s love has always been freely given to you. God pours His love upon us without exception—no ifs, ands, or buts. He did not begin to love you at the moment you invited Him into your life. Nor did He begin to love you when you first started going to church or when you rose from the baptismal waters. In truth, God never “began” to love you at all; He imply always has. From the creation of the world, God knew you and loved you.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hello All...

I am starting this blog for newbies who are interested in learning more about Salvation and are just starting their Christian walk with God. I am not sure how this will go or if anybody will ever come to it, but I felt led to create it. I know starting something new and different can sometimes be overwhelming. Hopefully this blog will help ease or dismantle those overwhelming feelings.